In November 2023, Global 3D Arts was contacted to provide renderings showing what the shell of the Kelly Theater located in Wakeeny, Kansas could become again. To provide public bathrooms on main street and to provide a venue for all types of events. The backgrounds in the renderings show the actual court house, corner of flags and city offices. The event in the renderings are of a music concert. These are those renderings.

Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant

12 Years in Construction

In 2009, Global 3D Arts was commissioned by the Southern Co to provide a scale model of the nuclear plant for display in their visitors center. This model was to show what the first nuclear energy site to be built in the United States in 30 years would look like in its surroundings after completion. Soon after, the request for another scale model was received and this model would be used to train personnel that came to work on the nuclear energy site.

After 12 years, Global 3D Arts was contacted by the Southern Co again. There request was after many years of construction, buildings, trailers and tents littered the site. They needed to show what the site would like if 10 buildings built for construction purposes were kept and repurposed for use. Ten buildings were chosen and be repurposed for departments such as IT or Maintenance.

This is the project of the Vogtle Renderings – Global 3D Arts produced renderings of individual buildings showing the Vogtle color scheme. Also, areal views were produced showing the 10 buildings saved within the site and also parking lots that were repurposed to forested areas.

Architectural Scale Models, Renderings & Animations by

#vogtlenuclear #global3darts #southernco #renderings #scalemodels

Oh How The Options Vary!


Have you seen what we can do with just a simple idea and a photograph? We have created a model and animation of The Fox Theater located in Hays, KS. Here you can see the interior and exterior of the model, as well as some actual images of what The Fox Theater looked like. The Fox Theater was previously a movie theater, that later held concerts. The Fox Theater has recently changed owners and is now called The Uptown Fox, which has become a restaurant and a lounge area. The historic building has been useful for the community for years.

Here we have a physical picture of The Uptown Fox, a scale model, and a nightlife rendering

Physical interior picture and rendering picture

Scale model and rendering of the interior elevated concert area

Physical picture from the stage looking toward the the crowd and rendering

These pictures were taken before the renovation of The Uptown Fox. As you can see we have created images and models that are similar in looks